Adaptive Immersion’s HYper-adaptive Dynamically Responsive Adversaries (HYDRA) Scenario Forge will receive special recognition at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference’s (I/ITSEC) Next Big Thing Showcase at the Destination Lounge, Dec. 5.
HYDRA Scenario Forge is a groundbreaking platform designed to revolutionize scenario generation for military training applications, which can expand to any warfighting domain or military occupational specialty (MOS). Students interact with HYDRA content through a computer screen with lessons generated by accessing open-source military training documents.
“HYDRA is getting recognized as one of I/ITSEC’s ‘next big things’ this year because of its versatility in supporting military training,” said Phillip Mangos, Ph.D., Adaptive Immersion’s CEO and chief scientist. “It can be plugged into any type of live or virtual training environment. Its artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities can alleviate certain issues that instructors have with manually creating and planning a lot of training content.”
The system leverages advanced AI to streamline development for military training and quickly generate customized, high-quality training scenarios for any occupational field throughout the Defense Department. HYDRA provides solutions for significant challenges that can occur when planning military training, such as excess time and effort spent on scenario creation, insufficient practice variation, and limited live-training opportunities.
By using a large language model, HYDRA can generate scenarios in multiple formats, like scripts for live training, or code and scenario script files for common game engines to deliver training tailored for specific MOSes or job ratings. The platform offers over 16 million initial condition combinations for various scenarios, and it ensures daily training opportunities that prepare warfighters for worst-case situations to improve readiness, adaptability and performance, in even the most dangerous military roles.
“The biggest benefit of HYDRA is its ability to accelerate training content development for military users, empowering them to craft their own content into meaningful training scenarios and grade according to critical competencies and difficulty levels,” Mangos said. “HYDRA allows military stakeholders to spend more time conducting training instead of planning training events and the required logistics. Being able to create training scenarios without any code simplifies the process and makes military instructors more efficient in helping warfighters absorb and process the lessons they need to learn to accomplish their mission.”