Tampa, Florida – Adaptive Immersion will gather Feb. 14, 2023, at the sixth annual Synapse Summit, Florida’s premiere innovation event to launch their newest product, WorkQuest.ai. WorkQuest.ai harnesses Adaptive Immersions proprietary stealth assessment engine to put cutting edge HR technology in the hands of every human resource professional in the form of interactive pre-employment assessments.

These assessments allow you to test real-world decision-making and problem-solving skills in real-time. The adaptive, game-based assessments allow you to challenge candidates with realistic, immersive, and engaging decision-making scenarios. With these assessments, WorkQuest.ai is revolutionizing the way you source and select top talent!

Each assessment was curated to optimally measure the most critical, job-relevant traits, personality factors, and skill sets needed for successful job performance. The assessments give candidates the opportunity to face-off with real-world job challenges, allowing them to demonstrate their skills in a realistic, demanding environment. Can your top candidates do the toughest job tasks? Let them prove it.

Tampa-based Adaptive Immersion specializes in game-based, pre-employment assessments. The team at Adaptive Immersion have made it their mission to develop HR technology innovations that improve workplace performance and provide a predictive, engaging, and fair assessment experience. Most recently, AIT was chosen by StrikeWerx Air Force Global Command to develop an immersive training experience for Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD).

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