VR to Safely Train Explosive Ordnance Disposal

VR to Safely Train Explosive Ordnance Disposal

Prepare warfighters for dangerous mission environments without the risk. Rehearse team operating procedures and gain actionable insights from performance data visualized in After-Action Review.

Prepare warfighters for dangerous mission environments without the risk. Rehearse team operating procedures and gain actionable insights from performance data visualized in After-Action Review.

Virtual Reality Training for WMD Defense

Virtual Reality Training for WMD Defense

Advances in virtual reality training technology afford simulation of high-risk tasks in a risk-free setting. Adaptive Immersion has leveraged the advantages of VR to create an immersive virtual platform for training of these complex, dangerous tasks that addresses key skill and knowledge areas for personnel tasked with countering weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

The virtual reality platform was developed in collaboration with Strikewerx and Air Force Global Strike Command as a means to train the warfighters who put their lives on the line to prevent and mitigate threats associated with nuclear or radiological ordnance. Multiplayer capabilities allow users to be tested on their team coordination, as well as knowledge of safety procedures as they navigate a virtual environment using intuitive gameplay mechanics. The design of movement and communication systems guarantee a level of usability that allows everyone to feel comfortable putting on the headset.

Not a VR veteran?
No problem.

Not a VR veteran?
No problem.

Deployed behind the scenes is Adaptive Immersion’s scientific approach to skill measurement and performance assessment. No data scientist is required, however, to interpret the data generated from our performance assessment algorithms.

Following each training session, performance data is visualized in a user-friendly After-Action Review format. Users and instructors are able to gain actionable insights from this information that can advise future training sessions and identify areas of need.

These insights ensure no time is wasted with redundant or unnecessary training sessions. Warfighters and commanding officers will feel confident in their abilities in the field after having demonstrated them in a virtual mission environment that boasts simulations of real-world radiation physics and weather effects.

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